"I know Will is the kind of person who will represent all of Edmonds, listen, and do his utmost to make sure Edmonds remains the special community we all love and care for."

- Brian Baird, Former U.S. Congressman and Edmonds Resident

"Will is smart, respectful and collaborative--he will make a great City Councilmember!"

- Dave Teitzel, Former Council Member

“His candidacy makes Edmonds’ government relevant to a population that has not previously engaged.”

- Vivian Olson, Current Councilmember

Will Chen is trusted and balanced leader working hard to help Edmonds families and small businesses. Will is committed to public safety, responsible economic development, and increasing affordable housing solutions

Re-Elect Will Chen to City Council


Since being elected to the Edmonds City Council in 2021, I am filled with gratitude and humbleness. It has been an incredible journey of growth, connection, and service. I am thankful for all who supported me. Your encouragement, guidance, and love have meant the world to me. I have strived to be a listener, a doer and a communicator to bring people together for positive change. Yet there continues to be more work to be done.

I am incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished during my first term. I proposed a constructive, compromise-driven solution to the streatery usage issues that divided our town during the pandemic. I worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for all Edmonds residents, especially those in Southeast Edmonds, where parks and public spaces are lacking.

In public safety, I championed traffic-calming programs and led efforts for the Highway 99 center median improvement project, enhancing safety for both motorists and pedestrians while beautifying the corridor.

I was the whistle blower who raised awareness of the financial crisis that the city is facing in 2023 and worked tirelessly to streamline Financial Policies and Fund Balance Reserve Policies that aim to guild our city toward long-range financial stability. As Finance Committee Chair in 2023 and 2024, I formed and led the Citizen’s Finance Advisory Group, holding monthly meetings to gather public input. I also hosted monthly Finance Forums across the city to educate residents on critical financial topics impacting our daily lives.

While we’ve made significant progress, there is much more important work to do. I would be honored to have your vote as we continue building a stronger, more vibrant Edmonds together!

Together, We WILL!

Why am I running for Re-election to City Council?

WILL share my skills and knowledge to help small business and promote responsible economic development.

I  WILL be  a voice for Edmonds residents and those who often feel unheard.

WILL serve ALL people in Edmonds with a balanced decision-making approach.

I love Edmonds!